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Matchmaking Ranks by Points

CS:GO Matchmaking Ranks by Points 1.4

Caracteristici generale

Pluginul permite afisarea in scoreboard a rank-urilor din matchmaking pe baza statisticilor de puncte pentru un anumit rang.


ranks_matchmaking_typeofrank (Default: 0) - Type of Rank that you want to use for this plugin (0 for Kento Rankme, 1 for GameMe, 2 for ZR Rank, 3 for HLStatsX)
ranks_matchmaking_prefix (Default: "[{purple}Fake Ranks{default}]") — Chat Prefix
ranks_matchmaking_flag (Default: 0) — Flag to restrict the ranks to certain players (0 enable the ranks for everyone)
ranks_matchmaking_point_s1 (Default: 100) — Number of points to reach Silver I
ranks_matchmaking_point_s2 (Default: 150) — Number of points to reach Silver II
ranks_matchmaking_point_s3 (Default: 200) — Number of points to reach Silver III
ranks_matchmaking_point_s4 (Default: 300) — Number of points to reach Silver IV
ranks_matchmaking_point_se (Default: 400) — Number of points to reach Silver Elite
ranks_matchmaking_point_sem (Default: 500) — Number of points to reach Silver Elite Master
ranks_matchmaking_point_g1 (Default: 600) — Number of points to reach Gold Nova I
ranks_matchmaking_point_g2 (Default: 750) — Number of points to reach Gold Nova II
ranks_matchmaking_point_g3 (Default: 900) — Number of points to reach Gold Nova III
ranks_matchmaking_point_g4 (Default: 1050) — Number of points to reach Gold Nova IV
ranks_matchmaking_point_mg1 (Default: 1200) — Number of points to reach Master Guardian I
ranks_matchmaking_point_mg2 (Default: 1400) — Number of points to reach Master Guardian II
ranks_matchmaking_point_mge (Default: 1600) — Number of points to reach Master Guardian Elite
ranks_matchmaking_point_dmg (Default: 1800) — Number of points to reach Distinguished Master Guardian
ranks_matchmaking_point_le (Default: 2000) — Number of points to reach Legendary Eagle
ranks_matchmaking_point_lem (Default: 2200) — Number of points to reach Legendary Eagle Master
ranks_matchmaking_point_smfc (Default: 2400) — Number of points to reach Supreme Master First Class
ranks_matchmaking_point_ge (Default: 2700) — Number of points to reach Global Elite
ranks_matchmaking_hudoverlay (Default: 1) — Chooses between a HUD Text Message (0) or an Overlay (1). Overlays are made by RoadSide Romeo
ranks_matchmaking_soundenable (Default: 1) — Enable sounds when a player ranks up or deranks
ranks_matchmaking_soundrankup (Default: "levels_ranks/levelup.mp3") — Path to the sound which will play on Rank Up (needs ranks_matchmaking_soundenable set to 1);
ranks_matchmaking_soundrankdown (Default: "levels_ranks/leveldown.mp3") — Path to the sound which will play on derank (needs ranks_matchmaking_soundenable set to 1)


  • sm_mm — deschide meniul de rank-uri cu optiune de a verifica punctele necesare pentru urmatorul rank;

Cerinte de compatibilitate

Instructiuni de instalare

  • extrageti arhiva si plasati continutul in FTP-ul serverului dvs. de joc (recomandam folosirea unui client precum FileZilla sau WinSCP);
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