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2006 and still counting.

CS:GO BaseBuilder 2.2.9

Caracteristici principale

Runda in modul de BaseBuilder este impartita in 3 faze si mai exact:
  1. Faza de constructie de la inceputul rundei, cand obiectivul Counter-Teroristilor e sa-si construiasca propria baza. In acest interval de timp, este fundamental ca jucatorii sa testeze si sa verifice defectele, blocajele sau greselile bazelor proprii.
  2. Faza de pregatire; jucatorilor nu le va mai fi permis sa lucreze la propria baza. Este momentul in care jucatorii vor face selectia armelor si vor avea posiblitatea sa acceseze baza pentru a descoperi eventualele nereguli. Aceasta faza reduce substantial nevoia de administratori prezenti pe server 24/7.
  3. Faza de aparare; faza principala a modului in care lupta ia startul. Puteti pune la incercare stabilitatea propriei baze sau incepe un atac la bazele adversarilor.

  • Rewrote all the code, to make it code understandable
  • Added support to translation files. For now, there are two languages: english and polish
  • New building system. Video here
  • Not neceserry block removing system
  • Config file for zombies You can edit models path, arm path, speed, gravity, etc
  • Config file for ZM/CT shop. You can edit prices, value, items, etc
  • Created golden ak47, freeze grenade
  • Created a party system, to build together bases, that only after both player deaths, the base blocks are removed
  • Fixed bugs that were in the previous version
  • Added option to rotate the blocks
  • Changed all zombie models to new ones, with working bones
  • Many, many more new stuff


  • !lm — command to check who is the last mover of an object
  • !class — command to change the zombie class
  • !shop: — command to open up the CT/T shop
  • !colors — command to check which player has which object moving to color
  • !guns — command to get guns, if any reason after the preparation time menu didn't show up
  • !party — command to build with someone together
  • E (+use) — used to pick up / drop the block. You need to hold down the E all the time when you are moving the block
  • G (drop key) — used to lock/unlock the blocks
  • R (reload key) — used to rotate the block by 90°
  • Mouse 1 — used to push the object
  • Mouse 2 — used to pull the object
Cerinte de compatibilitate

Instructiuni de instalare

Extrageti fisierul .zip si plasati continutul dupa cum urmeaza:
  • BASEBUILDER 2.2.9 in folderul /addons/sourcemod/configs, /plugins, /scripting, respectiv /translations
  • BB-MODELS in folderele /materials, /models si /sound


First release
Last update
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